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SIAECM Scaffale:  Leandris C. Liburd, PHD: "Diabetes and Health Disparities"Diabetes and Health Disparities

Diabetes is the only major disease with a death rate that is still rising. Minority populations are particularly at risk. This book combines a social, cultural, and historical analysis of the disproportionate burden of type 2 diabetes in communities of color across the U.S. with a comprehensive epidemiological overview.

This innovative book reframes the traditional biomedical view of diabetes and its principle risk factor - obesity - from a focus on the body, personal choices, and the clinical manifestations of diabetes to an examination of the social environment. It emphasizes the importance of community-based approaches to healthy eating, exercise, and reducing the 'obesogenic' environment in which many minorities live. 

This book offers the first comprehensive overview of social determinants of the disparity in diabetes prevalence in communities of color across the U.S. It provides an extensive, systematic review of the diabetes literature. It catalogues evidence-based and promising community models, interventions and policies that are scalable.

It presents lessons learned from successful diabetes prevention and control programs.

Chapter 1: Overview of diabetes; Chapter 2: Diabetes in communities of color in the U.S.; Chapter 3: The co-emergence of the diabetes and obesity epidemics; Chapter 4: Reframing diabetes risk from personal choice to the social environment; Chapter 5: The centrality of "community" in diabetes prevention and control; Chapter 6: Implications for health policy and public health practice; Chapter 7: How will we know we're winning the battle to eliminate disparities in diabetes? 

Author Biographies 

Leandris C. Liburd, PhD, MPH, MA serves as Chief of the Community Health and Program Services Branch within the Division of Adult and Community Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA where she leads a staff of 25 public health practitioners and scientists in providing national leadership and expert consultation in community health promotion and the elimination of health disparities. Of the 19 years Dr. Liburd has worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she spent 12 years in the Division of Diabetes Translation at CDC and is recognized as a national expert in the development of community models for diabetes prevention and control programs in racial and ethnic communities in the continental U.S., as well as in the Pacific Rim. In addition to her years of public health experience at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Liburd has worked at both the local and state levels conducting public health education programs for medically underserved communities.

A cura della Redazione Scientifica di SIAECM

Diabetes and Health Disparities

Contributors: Leandris C. Liburd (author)

Anno di pubblicazione: 15 ottobre 2009
Codice ISBN - 10  : 
Codice EAN:    978-082-610-128-0
Pagine: 256
Prezzo: £51.50
Springer Publishing Co Inc


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